Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Troop 270 Rules

As we begin to explore our Daisy Green petal - Considerate and Caring, we also begin to look more closely at manners and rules.  --It's an excellent time to drive home the importance of boundaries as well as lot of other great things!

We came up with a list of our basic rules and then we talked about what each of those meant, what it'd look like...

1.  Respect Others and Property - this means no hitting, spitting, kicking, shoving, taking things that aren't yours, bullying, being rude, and not standing on furniture or disrespecting each others' things.
2.  Listen Well - no interrupting, sit nicely, etc.
3. Walk Inside
4.  Always Follow Directions
5.  Do Your Best

And, then we have the consequence ruler - it measures how everyone is doing!

Each color on the stick represents a consequence and each clothespin has a girl's name on it.

Green - They did GREAT and participated nicely!
Yellow - They get a warning
Orange - "Breather" for 5-6 minutes where they sit outside the group and don't participate in group activities for that amount of time (they don't get to make up what they missed)
Red - Call mom and dad/guardians
Purple - this is what they call the "Don't Talk About It " color :P  This color essentially means that the girl will have to skip the next meeting to fully consider her behavior.  The idea is to never get to purple.

They use this method at my daughter's school and it works REALLY great! 

It really helps to have parental involvement, as well.  So, after our meetings and activities, be sure to ask them what color they are on and if they stayed on green, make a HUGE deal about it.  High-fives, and that kind of thing!  It's a big deal!

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