Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November Fun

 November has been SO much fun!!  Swimming...

Learning about how to be friendly, helpful, honest, and kind...
Learning about flowers, art, and quilting... and then making our own mini-quilts!...

We rocked out candy sales (please ignore my drywall... we are ripping wallpaper!)

We've learned how to say "Have a good trip" in several different languages (and made bookmarks to keep up with the new phrases we've learned).

We've learned about the parts of flowers and even ATE different parts of plants: roots (carrots), "flower" (broccoli), and seeds (sunflower seeds)!!

We talked about how seeds are scattered and the different types of seeds and how the wind can blow them FAR FAR FAR away!!  (We did an experiment to show how far seeds could be BLOWN and discussed how WIND could blow even harder!!)

We learned about different types of soil (clay, fertile, sandy) and go to smell and touch the different kinds.

We went on a walk to explore the colors we could find outside and collected leaves to sketch, exploring how each were different colors with different shapes and lines in them.
And, we've made crafts!  Spooky lollipop spiders and ghosts for Halloween.  Leaf art.  And, our thankful turkeys and friendship bracelets (which use daisy petal colors!).

Troop 270 Rules

As we begin to explore our Daisy Green petal - Considerate and Caring, we also begin to look more closely at manners and rules.  --It's an excellent time to drive home the importance of boundaries as well as lot of other great things!

We came up with a list of our basic rules and then we talked about what each of those meant, what it'd look like...

1.  Respect Others and Property - this means no hitting, spitting, kicking, shoving, taking things that aren't yours, bullying, being rude, and not standing on furniture or disrespecting each others' things.
2.  Listen Well - no interrupting, sit nicely, etc.
3. Walk Inside
4.  Always Follow Directions
5.  Do Your Best

And, then we have the consequence ruler - it measures how everyone is doing!

Each color on the stick represents a consequence and each clothespin has a girl's name on it.

Green - They did GREAT and participated nicely!
Yellow - They get a warning
Orange - "Breather" for 5-6 minutes where they sit outside the group and don't participate in group activities for that amount of time (they don't get to make up what they missed)
Red - Call mom and dad/guardians
Purple - this is what they call the "Don't Talk About It " color :P  This color essentially means that the girl will have to skip the next meeting to fully consider her behavior.  The idea is to never get to purple.

They use this method at my daughter's school and it works REALLY great! 

It really helps to have parental involvement, as well.  So, after our meetings and activities, be sure to ask them what color they are on and if they stayed on green, make a HUGE deal about it.  High-fives, and that kind of thing!  It's a big deal!

Friendly and Helpful Daisy Petal

Our girls had a great time earning the yellow petal (friendly and helpful).  The girls talked a lot about what makes a good friend...

And, how we could be friendly and helpful in specific ways.  We also acted out a scenario where a friend was being bullied by another friend and role-played what we could say or do to make things better and stop bullying.

Then, the girls were sent home with 18 slips of paper that looked like this:
And had to do 18 friendly/helpful things at home and come back with a list of what they did.

They loved it!

Want some more ideas???

Driving it Home: Ideas for FRIENDLY and HELPFUL (to help your girl further understand what we're learning about) -

- Read books like:
How to Lose All Your Friends by Nancy Carlson
How to be a friend by Laurie Brown
I am Helpful by Errol Goodman

- Create a chore chart (i have lots of great resources, if you are interested in this). You can even tell them it's for girl scouts! :)

- Have a sleepover

- Invite a friend to sit with you at lunch

- Better yet, invite someone who looks lonely to your table and BE A FRIEND

- Talk about how to make friends (introducing self, things friends do and don't do, etc.)

Shows: Diego, Dora, and Wonder Pets (I'm not necessarily endorsing here, but if your girly likes it, you can bring home the idea after they're done watching!)

Any other ideas? Would love to hear!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Marshmallow Roast! - October 2012

We had a fabulous time roasting marshmallows!

Hayrides, a playground, hot dogs, warm apple cider, juice, s'mores roasted over an open fire...

...and, cupcakes...

And, of course, some of the most precious Daisies that you will ever meet!

 October 2012

Ideas To Earn The Honest And Fair Girl Scout Daisy (Light Blue) Petal

To earn our Honest and Fair petal, we:

- Talked about conflict and role-played situations where they might want to do one thing and a friend wants to do another.  Then, we talked about compromise and possible solutions and ideas.
- Discussed how to come to a decision when others have different ideas: drawing sticks, rolling dice, voting, compromising, letting someone else do their idea, taking turns, rock/paper/scissors, etc.
- We hid 9 pencils (for 8 girls) and had them search for the pencils.  When they found a pencil for themselves, they helped the other girls find theirs.  Then, they had to decide what happened with the extra pencil (They gave it back to the leaders).
- We played a game of Liar, Liar - we sat in a circle and the first person told a lie: My hair is pink.  The next person had to repeat the lie before them and add their own: My hair is pink and my cat is purple.  Next person - repeat the previous 2 lies and add their own.  And, so on.  The point was that lies are hard to remember and not worth it.  And, once you start, you have to keep going and going and it's just not worth it.
- We started a game and began ignoring the rules until the girls noticed the unfairness - which led to a great discussion of why it's important to do things fairly and how bad it feels when you are on the receiving end of unfairness.

Other great ideas:

- Read most any Clifford The Big Red Dog books - Fairness and Honesty are common themes throughout.
- Go to the Court House or Library for a field trip to discuss Honesty and Fairness and its importance in the community.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Uniforms? --And, where do all of these badges go?

Does my girl scout HAVE to have a uniform?

The short answer is "no."  The long answer is... if your girl scout wants to do more than attend meetings and wants to receive badges that the troop earns together, she WILL need a uniform.  Also, in order to participate in official events or represent Girl Scouts, the blue tunic (or vest) is needed.  HOWEVER, if all your girl scout wishes to do is attend meetings, it isn't necessary.

Here is what the Girl Scout Website says:

"Girl Scout badges, patches, awards, and other insignia should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials.
The GSUSA National Board updated the Girl Scout uniform policy recently to reflect the changing needs of our members and transformation of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Girl Scouts at each level have one required element (Tunic, Sash or Vest) for the display of official pins and awards which will be required when girls participate in ceremonies or officially represent the Girl Scout Movement.
For girls ages 5 to 14, the unifying look includes wearing a choice of a tunic, vest, sash for displaying official pins and awards, combined with their own solid white shirts and khaki pants or skirts. Girl Scouts in high school can also wear a scarf that unites their look with the sisterhood of Girl Scouts around the world. For adult members the unifying look of the uniform is a Girl Scout official scarf or tie for men, worn with the official membership pins, combined with their own navy blue business attire. Girl Scouts at the Daisy and Brownie levels will continue to have a full uniform ensemble available."

Thursday, September 27, 2012


We will have 24 meetings this 2012-2013 troop year and during those, our goal is to earn our Daisy Petals (and 2 leaves), as well as the Between Earth and Sky Journey Patches!

We will have fundraisers to try to help off-set some of our costs as a troop - which may be used for our crafts, activities, and possibly trips and patches!  Our main fundraisers will be:

Nut/Candy and Magazine Sales - Beginning October 1st!
Girl Scout Cookies

Part of the fun in being a Daisy is being able to take part in new things, learn about ourselves and others, learn new skills, and develop our interests.  And, boy, do we have a lot of fun things in mind for this year!!

There are SO many fun things available for us to do, but we know we can't do them all.  We understand that finances/time are limited so we're separating these into three groups: during meetings, outside of meetings - but as a troop, outside of meetings - individual.

During Meetings - We will explore many fun crafts, nature, and more!  Stay tuned as we schedule fun things!

Outside of Meetings - As a Troop

October (Date TBA) - Bonfire, S'mores, Hot Chocolate, Stories (no fee, parent must provide transportation to and from)

November 12 - Exploring the Daisy Flower Garden. $7/girl.  See email for more details.
December (Date TBA) – Participate in Christmas Parade!
December (Date TBA) – Christmas Party!  Ornament swap and fun times!
January – Cookie sales begin!  Ice Skating? 
May – Fishing!  --If it’s warm enough, we are considering having an overnight “camp” trip.
June – Swimming Party!
August – Visit a Farm Together
September – Visit Homestead

Outside of Meetings – Individual
– (these are things offered but are up to individual families whether they’d like to participate.  Transportation arrangements will be up to parents and parents will be in charge of accompanying their own children unless otherwise arranged)

December 8-9 – KaLightoscope Christmas and Snow Fairy Palooza! (see email)
November 10 – Swimming   $6
December 8 – Area Christmas Party.   $5
January 12 – Cookie Rally!  More info TBA.
February 9 – Father-Daughter/Mardi Gras Dance. $8 Ea.
March 14 – Skating.  $3.50 ea
April 20 – Mystery Dinner  $5
May 18 – Family Park Day/ Bridging Ceremony   Each family bring 2 Liter Drink and dessert.


We will choose at least two service projects (one being local). 

Local – Hope Unlimited Baby Bottles Fundraiser – Girls can bring change to meetings to fill up baby bottles for Hope Unlimited!  How many can we fill as a troop!?

World – Write letters to soldiers!
           -  Walk in a marathon for a cause like cancer? Autism? Aids? Orphans? Etc…